Frequently Asked Questions About Billy Graham Scholarships

Got Questions?

If you have questions about the Billy Graham Scholarship Program (BGSP), you may be able to quickly and easily find your answer in this section. If not, feel free to contact us.

I benefitted from a Billy Graham Scholarship, how do I report each year to earn loan forgiveness?

You will find the information and the link for the reporting form (status update) on this page.

What does a BGSP award cover?

See the specific scholarship.

Why are the BGSP awards loan/scholarships?

The donors and honorees who provided the generous endowments were committed to missions and evangelism, and they had the vision to equip key leaders for significant ministry opportunities in order to strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ worldwide. This is the reason the majority of BGSP awards are loan/scholarships. The requirement for the scholarship recipients to serve in a ministry setting for a minimum of 4 years after they finish their programs at Wheaton College serves as an accountability measure to ensure that the vision of the original stewards of the scholarship funds is carried out. Once the 4 years of service have been completed, the recipients' loans will be completely forgiven, and become a 100% scholarship.

I am an international. Can I bring my family with me to Wheaton, with the help of this scholarship?

BG scholarships are for the student.  While they are generous, they do not cover the entire estimated budget for an international student.  Students may be able to live on less than the estimate (you may find less expensive housing, eat simply, not have additional medical or entertainment costs, etc...)  You will be responsible for the additional costs of bringing your family. 

What is the deadline for scholarship application materials?

See the specific scholarship category.

Do I have to be admitted into the Wheaton College Graduate School before I can apply for a BG Scholarship?

No.  If you're an international student, please allow one year for application and admission into the Wheaton College Graduate School and contact the BG Scholarship Office the summer before the December 1 application deadline. 

Your scholarship application materials cannot be reviewed by the selection committee until you have been admitted into the grad school. You must be accepted into the graduate school in order to be considered for any of the scholarship awards.

Applications for graduate school admission and BG scholarships are two separate, confidential procedures and materials are not interchangeable.

Do I need to be accepted for a BG Scholarship before I can apply to the Wheaton College Graduate School?

No.  Admission to the graduate school is typically the longer process, so you're encouraged to begin this first. 

Applications for graduate school admission and BG scholarships are two separate, confidential procedures and materials are not interchangeable.

Is the application for the scholarship on your website?

No. The first step is to insure your eligibility. Please complete and submit the Preliminary Eligibility Form after carefully reading the scholarship information.

What will happen if I do not fulfill the requirements of the scholarship that I receive after I complete my studies at Wheaton College?

If you receive a BG Scholarship and do not fulfill the specific requirements of returning to, or beginning your overseas or urban ministry, then you will be required to repay the amount of funding you received from the BGSP, as well as interest. Please carefully and prayerfully consider your future plans, God's call on your life, and the requirements of the scholarship before you make an application. You can find more specific details about these requirements under Scholarships.