Learn Something New with ThunderCloud Training

Posted December 13, 2016 by Academic and Institutional Technology
Tags: Training ThunderCloud Services

Learn Something New with ThunderCloud Training

Looking for something to do over break? Learning new skills with ThunderCloud Training is a great option.

Powered by lynda.com, ThunderCloud Training has thousands of video courses about nearly as many topics: from training in productivity software like Microsoft Office to tips for mastering networking soft skills. Each course is presented by a subject matter expert, and the videos are curated to ensure quality.

Courses are broken down into short videos. If you prefer to read along, transcripts that let you skip to the matching section of a video are also provided. It's easy to save your place or add videos to a customized playlist.

If you haven't used ThunderCloud Training before, you can access this valuable resource here. If you have any questions, contact Academic and Institutional Technology at 630.752.4357 (HELP) or by email at ait.service.desk@wheaton.edu.