Leading News - Spring 2024

Leading News - Spring 2024

European Initiative Cohort - Malenovice

Our European Initiative Cohort met again in October, in Malenovice, Czech Republic. During the intensive week, the cohort studied Biblical and Theological Foundations of Leadership with Dr. James Spencer and also explored the Foundations of the missio Dei (Mission of God) with Wheaton’s Professor Emeritus Dr. Rob Gallagher. There was much laughter and thoughtful reflection in the classroom and around tables during fellowship.

A brand new second cohort began by focusing on ‘Foundations of Leadership in a Globalized World’ with Dr. Paul Lee who defines leadership as “enabling others to see and create a better future together.” Keeping with tradition, both cohorts and the instructors visited a local eatery for specialty dishes on Tuesday night. Thursday featured a three-part seminar led by distinguished professor Dr. John Dickson, which was open to evangelical leaders in Eastern Europe. Sixty leaders from several countries gathered to learn of ways that our post-modern world is a ripe field for evangelism and discipleship. Dr. Dickson pointed out that the early church grew by 30% each decade leading up to the early 300’s. You are invited to take a taste of his lecture.

malenovice group photos

Students and Graduates on Mission

Kristin MacurdaGraduate Kristin Macurda is now the Chief Advancement officer for South America Mission utilizing skills in ‘Organizational Advancement’ and ‘Global Leadership.’



James HouckGraduating this term, James Houck has been promoted to the head offensive coordinator of the Wheaton Thunder Football Team.



Tim AtkinsonGraduate student, Tim Atkinson, has new role as Director of Strategic Accounts. He’s leading the Strategic Partnership Team at Agile Financial Systems.



European Leadership Forum 

The Mission of ELF is to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to renew the biblical church and evangelize Europe. This conference brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialized training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking. ELF offers a scholarship rate that is available for evangelical leaders from Eastern, Central, Southern, and now Western Europe. The event seeks to unite, equip, and resource hundreds of evangelical leaders in the continent. The 2024 ELF conference will be on May 25 - 30 at Hotel Golebiewski in WisÅ‚a, Poland.  Learn more about the ELF conference.

Meet our Faculty

John DicksonDr. John Dickson
John Dickson is the Jean Kvamme Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies and Public Christianity at Wheaton College, Illinois. John devoted himself to theological and historical studies, graduating with First Class Honours from Moore Theological College and a PhD in Ancient History from Macquarie University.
John is the host of Undeceptions, Australia’s no.1 religion podcast with over 2 million downloads. John now lives in Wheaton with his wife and their youngest daughter.

DR. DAVE SVEENDr. Dave Sveen
Dr. Sveen’s background includes thirteen years in senior management, as well as over twenty years as an adjunct assistant professor at Wheaton College. Through the care and nurture of the Wheaton College faculty as a graduate student in the early 1990’s, he came to realize that faith and practice must not be separated. His life changed forever, and today he challenges his students to embrace a “seamless life”. He is passionate about developing a new generation of leaders who will lead well in their families, friendships, faith communities, and businesses.

C. William Pollard Leadership Award

bill-pollard-bwThe M.A. in Leadership program gives the C. William Pollard Leadership award, in honor of Mr. C. William Pollard. The recipient is the student who has consistently demonstrated strong Christian character born out of a love for Christ, displayed excellence as a student in the program, and embodied the qualities of a servant leader during the academic year in which the degree is granted.

"Believe in yourself and your abilities. Trust that you have what it takes to achieve greatness.." - William Pollard

Serving to Lead Internationally: Resenditional International

Picture 8 Pictured from left to right: Junias Venugopal, Orgilbayar Zorigt, Patrick Lemargeroi, Lawrence Owinya, Simple (Oyella) Owinya) , Paul Lee, Dave Pederson

Three new international student selected to be Billy Graham Scholars enrolled in the LEAD program from Uganda, Mongolia, and Kenya. Lawrence serves as leader of a ministry planting churches in Ugandan villages. Orgil leads the administration of Alpha in Mongolia and Saruni is engaged in training ministry workers in the Masai in Kenya.

New Concentrations: Non-Profit and Executive Ministry

Picture 9Pictured Left to Right: Jackson Punzel, Orgilbayar Zorigt, Lawrence Owinya, Dr. Gallagher, Brendan Johnston, Jim Gruenwald

The M.A. in Leadership (LEAD) program now offers many electives, which students can either take individually according to their development objectives or may intentionally combine them to earn a specialization (via a concentration). The M.A. in Leadership (LEAD) currently offers two concentrations, with other concentrations/specializations being developed.

The Managing Non-Profits Concentration
This concentration equips the student to understand and lead with particular insight by taking courses such as Understanding Non-Profits, Fundraising, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Theology of Work, and an elective of their choice.

The Executive Ministry Concentration
This concentration extends our partnership with the ministry department and equips those in executive roles in Christian churches, ministries, movements, and organizations. Executive pastors have found the courses offered here as giving them the ability to straddle serving as in ministry with business-savvy competence in finance, strategy, organizational change, advancement, and board leadership.