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2011-2012 School Year

April 11, 2012 – Panel Discussion with Bill Scholl, President of First Security Bancorp, Little Rock, Arkansas and Casey Mulligan, University of Chicago, Professor of Economics on “Fiscal Imbalances.” Moderated by Seth Norton, former FPE Director.

March 27, 2012 – Lecture by Robert Woodberry ('87) “The Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy”
Robert Woodberry is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas. He is an expert in the long term economic impact of missionary efforts on post colonial societies.
Response by Michael Gerson, nationally syndicated columnist for the Washington Post and CEGPP Fellow.

March 15, 2012 – Lecture by William A. Von Hoene, Jr. addressing, “Politics, Economics & Energy”
William A. Von Hoene, Jr. is the Executive Vice President of Finance and Legal for Exelon.
The lecture, presented in the Science Lecture Hall, was preceded by a roundtable discussion in MSC 204.

February 22, 2012 - Lecture by Pierre Desrochers titled, “In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet: How the Globalized Food Supply Chain Benefits our Economy and Environment” - Phelps Room. A roundtable in MSC 202 preceded the lecture.

November 16, 2011 - Erica Field, the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Economics at Harvard University, gave an address on the relationship between property rights and economic stability - "Entitled to Growth: Land Titling and Economic Development in Urban Slums?"
The event was held in the Phelps Room, Beamer Center. Dr. Field also participated in a roundtable discussion preceding the address in MSC 202 on Microfinance.

October 20, 2011 -- Panel Discussion on the topic of fiscal imbalances. Panelists included Speaker Dennis Hastert, Congressman Bobby Rush, Andrew G. Biggs from the American Enterprise Institute, and Casey B. Mulligan, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago. Michael Gerson, Washington Post columnist and FPE Fellow, moderated the discussion.

September 14, 2011 -- "The Plundered Planet and the Poorest Countries" - An address by Paul Collier. Responding Panelists: Dr. Sandra Joireman, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Dr. Jason Long, George F. Bennet Associate Professor of Economics, Dr. Winnie Fung, Assistant Professor of Economics, and Dr. Seth Norton, Former Director, Wheaton Center for Faith, Politics and Economics; Jean and E. Floyd Kvamme Professor of Political Economy.