Current Scholars - Asia

Our 2023 Scholars serving in Asia

Be sure to see how our scholar alumni are utilizing their Wheaton training in Asia.


Chim-120x150Titmakara Chim
Cambodia - Leadership

Hudson T. & Miriam B. Armerding Scholar

Tim drowned in 2001 but the Lord gave him back his physical life and Tim was born again spiritually. Tim now serves as the National Executive Director of Fount of Wisdom Publishing House which produces high quality biblical and socially relevant literature in the Khmer language to strengthen church leaders and edify believers toward the likeness of Christ. The hybrid model of this program will allow Tim to remain present for ministry and family at home. View of video of Tim's story.

Johnson Alicia

Alicia Johnson
India - Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Jane McNally Scholar, Lillian Von Gerichten Fund

Alicia is a counselor, educator, group worker, and therapist at Bethesda Leprosy Hospital Andhra Pradesh. She also volunteers at Mothercare Rehabilitation Center for Autistic Children and worked at Holland Warf Girls Hostel. She is involved with Joseph Ministries, educating and offering support regarding HIV/AIDS.

Kotchakreng AddyAnusorn (Addy) Kotchakreng
Thailand - Ministry Leadership

Donald E. & Martha Hoke Scholar, Benjamin Allen Peays Memorial Fund

Addy teaches English at the Bangkok Institute of Theology. His future work will focus on educational support for those escaping human trafficking. His experience, his heart for the “least of these”, and this Wheaton education will be invaluable for these goals.

Kropp-120x150Jill Kropp
Japan - TESOL & Intercultural Studies

Walter H. & Ethyl H. Smyth Scholar

Jill and her family were sent by the Christian & Missionary Alliance to Japan in 2008. The March 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami shifted their ministry trajectory from Tokyo to this rural area, where they lead a wholistic ministry center to show and share the love of Christ. Jill wants to use English teaching skills to especially reach out to at-risk youth who drop out of the educational system.

Lahope-120x150Marlon Lahope
Indonesia - Biblical Exegesis

Philip & Jane Buswell Foxwell Scholar, Lillian Von Gerichten Fund

Marlon seriously studied the war in the name of religion that occurred in 1998-2005 in Ambon. He was horrified by the “justification” for war by the religious leaders. The passion for war, killing, torturing, burning people, and other atrocities gained legitimacy, even support from the scripture. Marlon is passionate to learn accurate biblical interpretation methodology to teach biblical ethics, not only to inform in times of conflict, but also for the sake of a friendlier gospel message and godly character transformation. He currently serves as the Executive Director of Holy Word Christian School in Ambon.

China - Biblical Exegesis

James R. Graham, Jr. Scholar, Elizabeth H. Lecker Fund

John pastors, teaches, builds the team, and coordinates small groups in his sector. He and the church are eager for this Wheaton education to further enhance his grasp of Biblical languages, research tools & methods, history, theology, systematic Biblical study, and to grow spiritually to further bless the Church.

Southeast Asia - Biblical Exegesis

P. Kenneth & Catharine Gieser Scholar, Kenneth Hansen Memorial Fund

A.S. is the main mother tongue translator in the SEA Bible translation project. They just celebrated the completion of the New Testament! A’s aunt was one of the first translators of the SEA Bible translation project. Not only would she be proud of his work on the same project, but she would also be proud that he will soon be studying Biblical Exegesis at Wheaton.

Southeast Asia - Outdoor & Adventure Leadership

Henry C. Thiessen Scholar

Shinta dreams of establishing a guesthouse run by women for women as a business-as-mission to disciple and provide alternative employment to at-risk local women so they do not need to sell themselves. Shinta is eager to learn from and meet mature Christians and mentors through her Wheaton program. She will benefit from the hands-on HoneyRock training as she learns every aspect of operating a retreat center.

West Africa to Central Asia - TESOL & Intercultural Studies

Donald E. & Martha Hoke Scholar, Ruth C. Sawyer Fund

V. has a passion to see a “great multiplication of indigenous churches planted in Central Asian countries.” The Lord gave her this vision in 2013 and with patient persistence, she has gained cross-cultural experience in preparation and has influenced her organization to adopt a country in the region. She finally deployed in 2021. This master’s will expand her ability to integrate faith into professional practice and allow her to minister long-term.
Watch a video introduction for V

Pakistan - Missional Church Movements

W. Lloyd & Helen Fesmire Scholar, Ketch Family Nehemiah Fund

Samuel is our first citizen of Pakistan to become a Billy Graham Scholar. Samuel leads Bible courses, discipleship groups, and fellowship for new believers. He also trains local church members for service among the least-reached. Lord willing, Samuel wants to “see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least-reached” as believers are mobilized and emboldened to reach the majority culture in fresh ways.

China - Biblical & Theological Studies

Henry C. Thiessen Scholar, Ruth C. Sawyer Memorial Fund

Zoey has a heart for missions; her purpose is “to be a mobilizer of the Chinese missionary movement, to assist local missionary institutions, and train the next generation of missionaries.” She looks forward to Wheaton’s learning environment, including the library, and plans on gleaning from established mission agencies here. Her husband, John, is also a scholar.

East Asia - Ministry Leadership

Adolph & Emma Hermann Scholarship

M. has experience in Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand, and other East Asian countries and plans to return there with OMF. At Wheaton she expects to "learn more evangelism strategies, gain a better understanding of biblical historical contexts, and be better equipped to form and disciple a small group." M. is looking forward to being a new wife and new mommy to a four-year-old in September!

Orgil-120x150Orgilbayar Zorigt
Mongolia - Leadership

Evan D. & Olena Mae Welsh Scholar, John E. & Mary C. Jaderquist Fund

Orgil was raised “½ Buddhist and ½ atheist” by his grandparents while his parents were working abroad. Through his aunt, cousin, a Father’s Love Letter video, and youth camp, Orgil met Jesus. Now he serves with the Mongolian Evangelical Alliance and as the National Ministry Coordinator at Alpha Course Mongolia to help introduce others to Christ. We congratulate him on his recent marriage!