History of Christianity Faculty

History of Christianity students will benefit from study with Wheaton faculty not only from within the Biblical and Theological Studies Department but also from departments across campus, including the Modern and Classical Languages and History Departments.

Timothy Larsen Faculty Profile Variant
Timothy Larsen, Ph.D., D.D.
Carolyn and Fred McManis Professor of Christian Thought and Professor of History


Jennifer Powell McNutt, Ph.D.
Franklin S. Dyrness Associate Professor in Biblical and Theological Studies Director of M.A. in History of Christianity Director of M.A. in Theology


Program Director

george kalantzis

Professor of Theology Dr. George Kalantzis serves as the Director of the Wheaton Center for Early Christian Studies (WCECS), Program Director for the M.A. in History of Christianity, and Program Director for the M.A. in Theology. His areas of expertise include historical theology, patristics, eastern Orthodoxy, and various topics within the early Church (including ethics, theology, Christology, race, and gender). He has written, edited, or co-edited numerous publications, including the Ad Fontes series through Fortress Press.

Learn more about the M.A. in History of Christianity program.