Got a Tech Question?

Posted August 17, 2021 by Academic and Institutional Technology

Got a Tech Question?

Do you have a technology question?  If so, do you know where to find the answer?  We’re here to help!

One place you can start is  For example, you can type in “register” and one of the first things that comes up is a series about connecting to the network. Or you could type in “printing” and find the series on ThunderCloud printing which explains how to print on campus.  A great article to start with is this one that gives you the steps for move-in weekend for new students to get their technology up and running

You can also look on the AIT website for system status (is Schoology down right now or is it just your device not finding it?) or to find out what’s new and changing.

Of course, you can always stop by the AIT Service Desk in Blanchard 171 (M-F, 8am-8pm during the academic year) or call them at 630-752-4357 (4357 spells HELP).  In fact, take a moment now to put that number into your mobile phone and then you’ll have a direct line to the AIT Service Desk when you need them!

If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 630.752.4357 (HELP).