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Vincent Bacote


Vincent BacoteVincent Bacote - Associate Professor of Theology, Director of Center for Applied Christian Ethics

Vincent E. Bacote serves on the Board of Trustees for the Center for Public Justice.  He is author of The Spirit in Public Theology:  Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper, and has contributed to recent books on Bible and theology, including:  Building Unity in the Church of the New Millennium (2002); The Best Christian Writing (2000); Keep Your Head Up (2012).  A regular columnist for Comment, he has also written articles for Books & Culture, Christianity Today, re:generation quarterly, and in journals such as Christian Scholar's Review, Urban Mission, and the Journal for Christian Theological Research.

Related Research Publications: 

"A Theology of Work," Faith Beyond Sunday: A Conference on Faith and Work, Princeton University, March 2007.