Recruiting System Coordinating Committee

The Recruiting System Coordinating Committee at Wheaton College provides oversight and sets priorities for the development and integration of the College’s Recruitment Systems.

Recruiting System Coordinating Committee

The Recruiting System Coordinating Committee at Wheaton College provides oversight and sets priorities for the development and integration of the Ellucian CRM Recruit and other Admissions System. The Recruiting System Coordinating Committee is a Technology @ Wheaton Governance advisory committee.


A senior business leader who is involved with CRM technology solutions and Chief Information Officer will serve as co-chairs. The Committee receives input from the following campus groups:

  • Athletics
  • Conservatory of Music
  • Graduate Admissions
  • Student Financial Services
  • Undergraduate Admissions


  1. Identify and approve priorities for CRM Recruitment's ongoing operations, enhancements, and new initiatives to assure alignment with the college's business goals and needs.
  2. Gain a better understanding of the Ellucian CRM Recruit and other Admissions related systems to promote efficient product use and maximize our investment throughout the college.
  3. Expand the adoption and use of products to reduce redundant processes, effectively share information and eliminate outdated manual processes where possible.
  4. Develop and expand existing integrations between Ellucian CRM Recruit and other enterprise applications such as Ellucian Banner, FrontRush and Analytics to efficiently share data and reduce duplicate manual data entry.
  5. Identify and work to resolve the escalation of issues, which span departmental or divisional boundaries.
  6. Encourage and facilitate system integrations and access to data across functional boundaries. Guide the development of common data models.
  7. Champion effective communication, information and IT security measures, policies and practices to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of resources
  8. coordinate system testing and upgrades so that the workload within the Enterprise Applications team is manageable

Operating Principles

Meetings are held three times per year.

Team Members (Fiscal Year 2025)

  • Eric Durbin Undergraduate Admissions, co-chair
  • Alan Wolff, Chief Information & Campus Services Officer, co-chair
  • John Barger, Enrollment 
  • Evan Bennett, Enrollment
  • Terrance Campbell, Enrollment
  • Silvio Vasquez, Enrollment 
  • Diane Krusemark, Registrar
  • Karen Belling, Financial Aid
  • Mandie Porick, Academic Advising
  • Rhonda Sisson, Conservatory
  • Brett Marhanka, Athletics
  • Jacob Ayers, Athletics
  • Sarah Davis Carrick, Marketing Communications
  • Craig Williams, Academic & Institutional Technology
  • Peter Gorski, Academic & Institutional Technology