Cybersecurity Advisory Team (CAT)

Mission: The mission of the Cybersecurity Advisory Team (CAT) is to plan together for the successful management/mitigation of Wheaton’s identified cybersecurity risks. 

This team will be advised of the ongoing cybersecurity risks and associated mitigation plans, provide feedback from both an operational and strategic perspective, promote awareness through communications and supportive influence, and help keep Wheaton’s cybersecurity team aligned towards success. The members of CAT will provide valuable feedback on Wheaton’s cybersecurity efforts and assist with disseminating information within their realms of influence.


  1. Discuss specific risks identified and prioritized in Wheaton’s cybersecurity risk register that have a potential impact on institutional operations or user experience.
  2. Provide feedback on specific cybersecurity mitigation plans/efforts.
  3. Recognize, document, and communicate areas where mitigation efforts will benefit from additional attention.
  4. Serve as subject matter experts related to the mitigation efforts and act as conduits for questions within their realm of influence throughout AIT’s ongoing cybersecurity program.

Scope: CAT will consist of key agents within AIT as well as leaders and influencers across campus who have come together to collectively shepherd Wheaton’s cybersecurity program.  CAT will influence some of the most important aspects of the program, which include strategy and communications.

Commitment: CAT members will be required to meet quarterly for one-hour sessions.  Members are asked for a 1-year commitment.  While there are no specific required duties outside of CAT meetings, there may be situations where members are asked to assist with feedback collection and/or communications efforts.

Committee Members for 2023-2024

  • Bill Bemister, AIT Technology Support Services
  • Jay Bieszke, Facilities
  • Terrance Campbell, Graduate Admissions
  • Tony Dawson, Auxiliary Services
  • Amanda Franklin, Risk Management/Legal Affairs
  • Becki Henderson, Student Development
  • Annie Huang, Marketing Communications
  • Billy Keller, AIT Infrastructure and Security, chair
  • Bob Norris, Chief of Public Safety
  • Steve Oberg, Library and Archives
  • Josh Okerman, Center for Vocation and Career
  • John Stanifer, Assistant Registrar
  • John Welsh, HoneyRock
  • Craig Williams, AIT Enterprise Applications
  • Alan Wolff, Chief Information Officer

updated Sept 2023