Advance Camp at HoneyRock
Advance camp is a rite of passage program designed to help campers lay a foundation of faith as they prepare for the exciting and important transition into high school.
Advance Camp begins the transition into HoneyRock‘s high school camper programs, where the communal emphasis is placed on building relationships with their peers. Campers have the opportunity to...
- serve alongside cabin mates and leaders
- step into challenges on wilderness trips and in activity areas
- create significant memories while immersed in creation
Advance Camp provides space to wrestle with foundational faith questions and provides experiences that will ultimately challenge and encourage students as they “advance” forward in following Christ and placing Him as the foundation of their lives.
Additional Information About Advance Camp
Below, you’ll find the basic schedule of Advance Camp. It's helpful for parents and campers to talk through it before heading to HoneyRock.
- Solid Rock
- Wake Up & Cabin Clean
- Breakfast
- Morning Watch
- Activity Period 1
- Cabin Impact
- Worship
- Lunch
- Activity Period 2
- Rest Hour
- Free Time
- Dinner
- Evening Activities
- Prep for Bed
- Cabin Reflection
- Lights out!
Solid Rock is an optional rhythm where campers are invited to dive into different physical and spiritual habits, such as running, swimming, prayer, and memorizing scripture. Solid Rock gives campers the time and space to discover how they can connect with their Creator through spiritual practices and exercise. Our hope is that campers can bring these habits home and continue to grow in them throughout the year.
All campers take a few minutes of “alone” time to read Scripture, pray, and reflect.
Cabin leaders prepare fun, interactive lessons to bring God’s Word to life, challenging and encouraging camper’s walk with Christ.
We eat family style! You’ll come into the Dining Hall as a cabin and sit around a table with your cabin.
HoneyRock’s fourteen activity areas provide campers with many areas to explore. From drama to waterskiing and archery to ceramics, we offer a wide array of activities to serve campers with a variety of interests.
Advance Campers have the option to begin or continue working through our activity progression. Campers can begin/continue to work towards their Basic, Intermediate, and Master in any activity they choose. This progression involves honing technical skills in the activity, service to the activity area, and practicing instruction of that activity for their fellow campers.
While activity areas are fun, they also create the conditions to teach perseverance (it can take a camper 3-5 years to earn their masters in an area), build confidence, and learn how to fail and try again. Activities are a powerful tool for developing character and leadership in campers, as well as pressing into practical skills and exploring their interests that they can build upon for the rest of their life!
Campout experiences create fantastic memories and help to focus our hearts and minds on exploring questions of identity and community. Commonly referred to as “Trip”, these camping experiences are a chance for campers to step outside of their comfort zones; it also facilitates incredible encounters with God through his creation. We believe this is a critical part of the Advance Camp program and community formation. No previous wilderness experience is needed! All counselors are certified in First Aid, CPR, Basic Water Rescue, and are trained in wilderness skills and safety.
- Three Week Program: 5-day, 4-night wilderness campout
- Two Week Program: 3-day, 2-night wilderness campout
OPA (Optional Play Activity) is time set aside each day to build community with peers through quality time spent together. Some days cabin leaders may take the group out on the group paddle board; other times, campers visit the Beehive (camp store) together, play games outside, or sit on the lawn and enjoy conversation together… the opportunities are endless!
My daughter wanted to stay for another session! She loved her cabin and new friends she made, and her counselors made a huge impact.— 2021 Camper Parent
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