We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You!

Posted December 1, 2021 by Academic and Institutional Technology
Tags: Department News

We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You!

Thank you for the role each of you played in our transition from Cisco phones to Microsoft Teams Voice!  While there were some bumps along the way, overall, we were very pleased with how smoothly things went.  Thank you for your patience in adapting to a new way to handle phone calls, and with the removal of the old Cisco desk phones, which took longer than we had originally anticipated.

We are grateful for the way you all partnered with us to help us steward college resources more wisely.  Without you onboard this change would have been a flop.

We hope you are learning more about what Microsoft Teams Voice has to offer.  Whether it is the transcribed voice messages (often worth reading for humor alone!) sent straight to your email inbox or having the ability to block “junk mail” phone calls (about your car’s warranty, perhaps) there are many improvements to be found with our new system.

If you have any questions, please contact us at ait.service.desk@wheaton.edu or call 630.752.4357 (HELP).