Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find my registration time ticket?

First Year Students:
You will be assigned a “time ticket” to register after completing the pre-registration questionnaire that is located in your enrollment checklist on-or-after June 1. (Registration time tickets are issued for July.)

All Students:
Login to portal.wheaton.edu. Under Banner Self-Service, located the student services folder. Within that folder, choose, "NEW: Registration Dashboard." Click on that link. Then, on the next page, choose: "Prepare for Registration." Your time will be in the information section in the middle of the page. 

Can I register for classes over the phone?

No. All registration is completed online. 

What courses are included in a typical first semester at Wheaton?

We require all incoming students to register for a section of CORE 101 during the Fall term. We also recommend taking an introductory course/s for your intended major (see MAPs). If you have not met your Language Requirement, it is highly suggested to begin working towards meeting the modern or classical language competency as early as possible. Meeting the writing requirement is also encouraged the first semester.

Do I have to take a language course at Wheaton College?

Wheaton College does have a Modern/Classical language requirement for most students. The requirement can be met with a qualifying score on an AP, IB, or SAT Subject exam. Students may take a competency test in a language that is not taught at Wheaton College. (Such students should see the Modern & Classical Languages Department for test options and fees.)

Students who take language at Wheaton are required to pass the 201 course of French, German, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Latin, Greek, or Hebrew, with a grade of C- or better. For information on the language requirement including placement or competency testing, please refer to the Modern and Classical Languages department.

On the class schedule under Time, what does "R" mean?

"R" is not on Banner Self Service registration, however, it is on the printed pages. R is the abbreviation for Thursday (T is for Tuesday). So, a course that meets "TR" meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

What are Quads?

Some 1 and 2 credit courses meet for only half of a semester. Those meeting during the first half are referred to as "A Quad" courses, and those meeting during the second half, as "B Quad" courses. A-Quad courses end at fall [or spring] break, and B-Quad courses begin after fall [or spring] break. For exact dates of Quad terms, refer to the Registrar's Academic Calendar.

Do I have to meet all 10 Thematic Core requirements during my first year?

You have to meet all 10 Thematic Core requirements, but NOT during your first year. Thematic Core requirements can be taken over your four years at Wheaton. Some courses in your major and the course you chose for your Advanced Integrative Seminar could also meet themes for the Thematic Core. Please make a meeting with academic advising if you are unsure if you will meet themes within your major, minor, or certificate.

I plan to go to medical school or join the health professions field. Is it necessary for me to take both biology and chemistry my first semester?

Because BIOL 241 and CHEM 231 are offered only in the fall semester (and BIOL 242 and CHEM 232 are only offered in the Spring), most student take both courses in their first-year fall semester. However, please consult the MAP for your major (Biology, Chemistry, Health Science, Biochemistry, etc.) to see which courses are recommended for fall of your first semester. (Hint: look at the footnotes.) If you still have questions after viewing your MAP, contact the Health Professions Office at health.professions@wheaton.edu for more guidance for your specific situation.

Should I register for a "Core Competency" course if I plan to take the competency exam?

If you plan to attempt to meet competency through testing, do not register for the course. You will have opportunity to take the course during a future semester if you do not meet the qualifying exam score.

If I score 4-or-5 on the AP US History exam, will that meet the Historical Perspective requirement?

The AP US History exam does NOT meet Wheaton’s Christ at the Core Historical Perspectives (HP) requirement. If you will be a history major, it will count toward your major elective requirements. In all other cases, it will likely display as elective credit; that is, 4 credits that will count toward the 124-hour minimum credit hour degree requirement. The Historical Perspectives requirement can be met with any course that has the Historical Perspectives (HP) tag. (See Course Guide p. 8)

Where can I see how my AP, International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge Exams, SAT Subject Exams, and dual enrollment credits have been applied to my Wheaton College Christ at the Core general education requirements?

AP and IB scores are scheduled to be received the second week of July. We will do our best to get them all entered by the end of the third week of July. To view what has been entered, check your Degree Works record available in your student portal. Once you are logged into the portal, find Banner Self-Service and navigate to NEW: Degree Works Dashboard.

If I add my name to a waitlist, when will I be able to register for the course?

Being on a course waitlist does not guarantee you a space in the course. If someone drops the course, the first student on the waitlist is notified by email and given a prescribed time period to register. If they do not register for that course, the seat is offered to the next student on the waitlist. Because these emails are time sensitive, we strongly encourage that you check your Wheaton email account at least once a day!

You can find out how to waitlist for a course here

How do I adjust my credits for private lessons?

Please see this Private Lessons Hours adjustment tutorial!

Where can I find the Christ at the Core (CATC) general education requirement checklist?

CATC requirements

How many requirements can be met through transfer credit prior to coming to Wheaton?

Any of the Core Competency requirements can be met with AP, SAT Subject, IB, and dual enrollment credit. You can meet up to four Thematic Core requirements with incoming credit. None of the "Shared Core" requirements can be met with incoming credit. Shared Core courses are expected to be completed at Wheaton College. A maximum of 40 credits earned prior to high school graduation can be applied to a degree. Transfer students have different policies that govern transfer credit.

How can I register for the Oral Communication Competency exam?

All exams are offered during the fall semester. Official notices for students, faculty and staff are published to the “Announcements” section of the Wheaton Portal. There you will find information about how, when, and where to register for a competency exam. 

Can parents have access to their son or daughter's grades or other information online?

Yes, after August 1, Banner Proxy allows students to authorize parent access to specific academic, student account and/or financial aid information.  The student completes the Banner Proxy information in their Wheaton portal and the parent is sent an e-mail with information on how to set-up their own log-in information to view what has been authorized by the student. 

Click Parent Instructions for Banner Proxy for detailed parent instructions (PDF).

Students: Click Banner Proxy Access-Student Instructions for instructions on how to set up Proxy Access for your parents (PDF).

How do I cancel my enrollment (for current/returning students only)?

How to Withdraw or Cancel enrollment

For all new students, contact admissions@wheaton.edu


Have more questions?

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us - academic.advising@wheaton.edu

Degree Works FAQ are found here.