Dan Burdens Research Students

Research Students

Dr. Burden's research students with long-term activity (Current students and lab history)

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Jonathan Griffin

Major: Biology
Research Active: 2014-
Project(s): Langmuir Monolayer Measurements of aHL

Jacob Walhout

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2015-
Projects: Comsol Modeling of aHL

Rebecca Hyndman

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2014-
Project(s): Ion Channel Recording and Vesicle Imaging

Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2014; 

Kayla Solstad

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2013-
Project(s): Derivatizing the Cap of aHL with PEG
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2014; (pdf)

Natasha Narang

Major: Biology
Research Active: 2014-
Project(s): Protecting A549 Lung Epithelial Cells From Alpha-Hemolysin Attack
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2014; 

Andreas Geiger

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2013-

Project(s): Creating and Testing Nanopore Switches
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2014; 
American Chemical Society Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2015 (Oral Presentation)

Topher McCauley

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2013-
Project(s): Langmuir Monolayer Measurements of aHL
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2014; The role of cholesterol in the binding/heptamerization of alpha-Hemolysin to ph (pdf)
American Chemical Society Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2015 (ACS_McCauley.pdf)

Julie Fink 

Major: Biology
Research Active: 2011-
Project(s): Cellular dynamics of alpha-hemolysin exposure
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2012; "" (pdf)

Presentations: Argonne Undergraduate Research Symposium, October 2012.  For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen Burden
Graduation Year: 2013
Current Pursuit: Student

Jared Ellingsen 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-
Project(s): Membrane binding dynamics of alpha hemolysin
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2012; "" (pdf)


Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen Burden
Graduation Year: 2014
Current Pursuit: Student

Abby Williams 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-
Project(s): Chemical modification of alpha hemolysin
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2012; "Conjugation of Alpha Hemolysin to Polyethylene Glycol" (pdf)


Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen Burden
Graduation Year: 2013
Current Pursuit: Student

David Harmon 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-
Project(s): Single molecule atomic force microscopy of alpha hemolysin
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2012; "Molecular Imaging of Alpha-Hemolysin Protein by Atomic Force Microscopy" (pdf)


Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen Burden
Graduation Year: 2014
Current Pursuit: Student

Emmanuel Pederson 

Major: Computer Science
Research Active: 2011-2015
Project(s): Computer modeling of alpha hemolysin
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2012;  (pdf)

Presentations: American Chemical Society Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2015

Graduation Year: 2015
Current Pursuit: Student

Aaron Devries 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-2012
Project(s): Post-translational modifications of aHL
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2011; "(pdf)


Graduation Year: 2012
Current Pursuit: HoneyRock

Sam Dillman

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-2012
Project(s): Lipid/protein interactions
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2011;"Probing alpha-hemolysin's interactions with lipid membranes" (pdf)

Presentations: Video of seminar given at Whean Science Symposium, October 2011.  For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Graduation Year: 2012
Current Pursuit: Med. School, Wisconsin College of Medicine Milwaukee 

Bryon Drown 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-2012
Project(s): Brownian dynamics simulations of aHL
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2011; "Evaluating a nanopore-based DNA sequencing device" (pdf)

Presentations: Video of seminar given at Whean Science Symposium, October 2011.  For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Graduation Year: 2012
Current Pursuit: Ph.D., Chemistry, Univ. of IL

Joe Norton

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2011-
Project(s): Large-scale modifications of alpha hemolysin
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2011; (pdf)


Graduation Year: 2013
Current Pursuit: Student

Zack Barton

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2010-2012
Project(s): FCS of red blood cells lysis by aHL, Laser micromachining 
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2010;  (pdf)

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2011; "Small changes: micromachining in a big way" (pdf)

Publications: Lam, J, Culbertson, M.J., Skinner, N.P. Barton, Z., Burden, D.L., “Information Content in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy: Binary Mixtures and Detection Volume Distortion,” Anal. Chem., 83, 5268-5274, 2011.


Graduation Year: 2012
Current Pursuit: Ph.D., Chemistry, Univ. of IL, Urbana-Champaign

Catherine Baker

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2010-2011
Project(s): Langmuir trough measurements of aHL at a lipid interface, expression of aHL
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2010;  (pdf)
Presentations: Video of seminar given to Wheaton faculty, Fall 2011.  For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2011
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign  

Philipp Prinz

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2010-2011
Project(s): Single molecule microscopy in membranes
Posters: Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Oct 17, 2010, Raleigh, NC;  (pdf)
Graduation Year: 2011
Current Pursuit: Business consulting, Accenture, New York, NY

Patti Blair

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2010-
Project(s): Electrophysiology measurements of aHL and PA63, expression of aHL
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2010;  (pdf)
Presentations: Video of seminar given to Wheaton faculty, Spring 2011.  For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use. 

Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2011
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 

Amy Larson

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2008-2010
Project(s): Expression of mutant a-Hemolysin, red blood cell lysis assays
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2009;   (pdf)
Presentations: Video of Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2009 (Co-presented with Donna Van Cott)
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use. 

Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2010
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Donna Van Cott

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2009-2010
Project(s): Exploration of quantum dots as protein labels, expression of mutant a-Hemolysin
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2009;  (pdf)
Presentations: Video of Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2009 (Co-presented with Amy Larson)
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.
Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2010
Current Pursuit: High School Chemistry and Biology Teacher, Roanoke, VA

Nathan Skinner

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2009-2011
Project(s): Single molecule microscopy in membranes
Posters: Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Oct 17, 2010, Raleigh, NC; "" (pdf)

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2009; presented as a video poster; "Species Classification in Single Molecule Imaging Experiment Using PCA/SIMCA P" (pdf)
Presentations: Video of Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2009
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Publications: Lam, J, Culbertson, M.J., Skinner, N.P. Barton, Z., Burden, D.L., “Information Content in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy: Binary Mixtures and Detection Volume Distortion,” Anal. Chem., 83, 5268-5274, 2011.
Graduation Year: 2011
Current Pursuit: Med. School, Wisconsin College of Medicine Milwaukee

Jonathan Kooiman

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2009-2012
Project(s):Expression of Protective Antigen in E. coli
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2009;  (pdf)
Presentations: Video of Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2009, Spring 2012
For access to these video presentations, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.
Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2012
Current Pursuit: Medical School

Kelsey Schuster

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2009-2011
Project(s): Single molecule diffusion in PEM thin films
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2009;  (pdf)
Co-mentor: Dr. Peter Walhout
Graduation Year: 2011
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley  

Dan Fager

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2009-2010
Project(s): Single molecule diffusion in PEM thin films
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2009; " (pdf)
Co-mentor: Dr. Peter Walhout
Graduation Year: 2010
Current Pursuit: Industry

Jared Kindt

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2008-2009
Project(s): Single molecule microscopy, expression of mutant a-Hemolysin
Publications: Spectroscopy Letters, 43, 586, 2010
Posters:Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Oct 17, 2010, Raleigh, NC; "" (pdf)

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2008;  (pdf)
Presentations:Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2008 (Co-presented with Derek Bailey)
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

"Single-Molecule Tracking of Fluorescently Derivatized a-Hemolysin" (pdf)
Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen Burden
Graduation Year: 2009
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Jonathan Lam

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2008-2010
Project(s): Computer simulations of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, NFCS measurements
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2008; " (pdf)

Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2008
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Limits of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy in Complex Solutions (pdf)

Graduation Year: 2010
Current Pursuit: Medical Student, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

Derek Bailey

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2007-2009
Project(s): Expression of mutant a-Hemolysin, Ion channel electrophysiology, Single molecule microscopy
Publications: Spectroscopy Letters, 43, 586, 2010


Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Oct 17, 2010, Raleigh, NC; ""(pdf)

ASBMB 2008, San Diego, CA: Molecular Biology

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2007; "" (pdf)

Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2008 (Co-presented with Jared Kindt)
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.

Wheaton College Summer Research Program, "Characterizing Single-Molecule Pore Formation of alpha-Hemolysin: Electrophysiology of Lipid Bilayer nanopores" (pdf)

Wheaton College Summer Research Program,  (pdf)
Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2009
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Josh Carr

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2007-2009
Project(s): Single molecule diffusion investigations in polyelectrolyte multilayers

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2007;  (pdf)
Presentations: Seminar Given to Wheaton Faculty, Fall 2008 (Co-presented with Josh Bartels)
For access to this video presentation, please contact Dr. Daniel Burden (daniel.l.burden@wheaton.edu). Please include the presenter's name, date, and brief description of intended use.
Publications: Langmuir, 25, 8330, 2009
Co-mentor: Dr. Peter Walhout
Graduation Year: 2009
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison 

Brynna Jones

Major: Chemistry, Ancient Languages
Research Active: 2007-2008
Publications: Spectroscopy Letters, 43, 586, 2010
Project(s): Expression and optimization of wild-type a-hemolysin
Posters:  (pdf)

Presentations: Wheaton College Summer Research Program, " (pdf)

Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2008
Current Pursuit: PhD. in Chemistry, Univ. of Minnesota 

Ashley Paulson

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2007-2008
Project(s): Expression of mutant a-Hemolysin, ion channel electrophysiology
Publications: Spectroscopy Letters, 43, 586, 2010

Wheaton College Homecomming Summer Research Poster Session, " (pdf)
Presentations: Wheaton College Summer Research Program, " (pdf)

Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2007
Current Pursuit: PhD. in Biological Science, Columbia University 

Michael Madison Taylor

Major: Biology
Research Active: 2007-2008
Project(s): Ion channel electrophysiology, single molecule microscopy
Publications: Spectroscopy Letters, 43, 586, 2010

Posters: ASBMB 2008, San Diego, CA: Electrophysiology

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2007; "Electrophysiological Characterization of α-Hemolysin Nanopores in Lipid Membranes" (pdf)
Presentations: Wheaton College Summer Research Program, "Characterizing Single-Molecule Pore Formation of alpha-Hemolysin: Electrophysiology of Lipid Bilayer nanopores" (pdf)

Graduation Year: 2008
Current Pursuit: Law School, University of Mississippi 

Michael Culbertson

Major: Ancient Languages, French
Research Active: 2003-present
Project(s): Numerical Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (NFCS), computer programming and simulation
Posters: Biophysical Society Meeting, 2007, Baltimore, MD; " (pdf)
Presentations: Pittcon 2007, Chicago, IL; "Beyond the Boundaries: Numerical Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for the (pdf)

Publications: Am. Biotech. Lab, 26, 6, 2008, Anal. Chem., 79, 4031, 2007; Rev. Sci. Instrum., 78, 044102, 2007 ; Spectrosc. Lett., 37, 129, 2004.

Graduation Year: 2004
Current Pursuit: Computer consulting & programming, Graduate studies in educational statistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign  

Katie Hubbell

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2006
Project(s): Expression and fluorescent labeling of mutant a-hemolysin
Publications: Spectroscopy Letters, 43, 586, 2010

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2006;  (pdf)
Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen-Burden
Graduation Year: 2006
Current Pursuit: High school chemistry teacher, Naperville, IL 

Josh Williams

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2004-2007
Project(s): Numerical Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (NFCS), optical trapping and particle manipulation
Poster: Pittcon 2007, Chicago, IL; "(pdf)

Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2005; "" (pdf)
Presentations: Wheaton College Science Faculty Lunch Seminar, Fall 2005; ""Development of Optical Trapping Techniques in Preparation for Mechanistic UDG " (pdf)

Publications: Anal. Chem., 79, 4031, 2007; Am. Biotech. Lab, 26, 6, 2008
Graduation Year: 2008
Current Pursuit: Medical School, University of Chicago

Joe Burkett 

Major: Biology
Research Active: 2005
Project(s): Investigating putative nitrogen reduction in the thermite reaction
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2005;  (pdf)
Graduation Year: 2005
Current Pursuit: Emergency medicine

Dan Dreyer 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2005
Project(s): Bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) electrophysiology, single molecule microscopy
Poster(s): Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session: "Characterizing Actin-Coated Lipid Membranes with Single Single-Molecule Imagin" (pdf)

Presentations: Argonne Undergraduate Research Symposium, 2005, " (pdf)

Wheaton College Science Faculty Lunch Seminar, Fall 2005; "Characterizing Actin-Coated Lipid Membranes with Single Single-Molecule Imagin" (pdf)
Graduation Year: 2007
Current Pursuit: Ph.D in chemistry, University of Texas 

Ryan Himes 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2004,2005
Project(s): Single molecule diffusion investigations in polyelectrolyte multilayers
Presentations: Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (ACCA) Student Symposium, Fall 2005; "Single Molecule Diffusion Studies in Polyelectrolyte Thin Films" (pdf)

Publications: Langmuir, 25, 8330, 2009

Co-mentor: Dr. Peter Walhout
Graduation Year: 2006
Current Pursuit: Lab Associate, Loyola Medical Center

Wayland Cheng 

Major: Chemistry (with Honors)
Research Active: 2003-2005
Project(s): Numerical Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (NFCS); Coating membrane bilayer with actin filaments
Posters: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2003; "Stabilizing Lipid Membranes with Actin Filaments" (pdf)
Presentations: Pittcon 2005, Orlando, FL; "Stabilizing Lipid Membrane Sensing Platforms with a Cytoskeletal Network" (pdf)

Wheaton College Science Faculty Lunch Seminar, Fall 2003; "Stabilizing Lipid Membranes with Actin Filaments" (pdf)
Publications: Anal. Chem., 79, 4031, 2007
Graduation Year: 2005
Current Pursuit: MD/PhD, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

Daniel Kim 

Major: History
Research Active: 2004-2005
Project(s): Stabilizing lipid membranes with actin filaments
Poster: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2004; " Stabilizing Planar Lipid Bilayers" (pdf)
Presentations: Pittcon 2005, Orlando, FL; "Stabilizing Lipid Membrane Sensing Platforms with a Cytoskeletal Network" (pdf)

Wheaton College Science Faculty Lunch Seminar, Fall 2004; "Stabilizing Planar Bilayer Lipid Membranes" (pdf)
Graduation Year: 2005
Current Pursuit: Bioethicist 

Emily Chandler

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2001-2004
Project(s): Expression of mutant a-hemolysin, Ion channel electrophysiology, Single molecule microscopy
Publications: Langmuir, 20, 898, 2004
Presentations: Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Society (FACSS) Meeting, Portland, OR, 2004; "Simultaneous single-molecule optical and electrical recording of nanopore occlusion dynamics and lipid membrane adsorbates" (pdf)

Graduation Year: 2001
Current Pursuit: Forensic Chemist, Oregon State Police

Dan Bailey

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2003
Project(s): Single molecule spectroscopy of UDG DNA repiar
Poster: "Essence and Fluorescence of DNA Repair: Single-Molecular Enzymatic Action" (pdf)

Current Pursuit: Graduate school in chemistry, Northwestern University 

Emily Rupp Wiebracht, M.D. 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2002,2003
Project(s): Simulations of single molecule diffusion
Publications: Anal. Chem., 79, 4031, 2007 ; Spectrosc. Lett., 37, 129, 2004.

Graduation Year: 2004
Current Pursuit: Medical practice 

Dee Ann Stults, M.D. 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2002,2003
Project(s): Simulation of single molecule diffusion
Poster: American Chemical Society Meeting, New Orleans, 2003; Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2002; "Simulating and Analyzing Molecular Motions is Membranes: A Key to Tissue Engineering" (pdf)
Publications: Anal. Chem., 79, 4031, 2007 ; Spectrosc. Lett., 37, 129, 2004.
Current Pursuit: Medical practice

Alyssa Smith 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2002
Project(s): Expression of mutant a-hemolysin, Ion channel electrophysiology, single molecule microscopy
Publications: Langmuir, 20, 898, 2004
Co-mentor: Dr. Lisa Keranen Burden
Current Pursuit: Ph.D. in chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Mark Brown 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2002
Project(s): Measuring single molecule dynamics on surfaces
Poster: American Chemical Society Metting, New Orleans, 2003; "Single Molecule Dynamics: Viewing and Interrogation"
Graduation Year: 2003
Current Pursuit: Industry 

Travis Lowens 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2002
Project(s): Separations of fluorescent labeled proteins
Graduation Year : 2003
Current Pursuit: Pharmaceutical Development: Exoxemis, Omaha, NE

Steven Poppen 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2001
Project(s): Single molecule microscopy
Graduation Year: 2002
Current Pursuit: Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences, Loyola University, Chicago, IL

Matt Lovell, M.D. 

Major: Chemistry
Research Active: 2001-2002
Project(s): Single molecule microscopy of UDG
Poster: Wheaton College Homecoming Summer Research Poster Session, Fall 2002: "Confocal Microscopy in Single-Molecule Studies of Uracil DNA Glycosylase: Determination of Quenching Frequency" (pdf)
Graduation Year: 2002
Current Pursuit: Medical Practice