Health Professions Learning Outcomes

As a result of completing the Health Professions program at Wheaton College, students will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. As a result of SCI 494, students will be able to articulate aspects of their CATC course learning with issues and principles of nursing practice.
  2. As a result of SCI 494, students will be able to articulate a personal understanding of and principles for vocation as it concerns God’s general calling on all Christians, a calling as students, and distinctive vocational callings.
  3. Because of SCI 494, students will be able to discuss how studying the Christian liberal arts has developed and nurtured their personal growth in knowledge, insight, and Christian character.
  4. As a result of SCI 291, students will be able to describe their personal motivation for their chosen profession in oral and written form.
  5. Because of SCI 291, students can articulate the value and use of their experiences to demonstrate the necessary competencies: knowledge, skills, and attitudes; interpersonal (e.g., service orientation, cultural sensitivity); intrapersonal (e.g., ethically responsible, teachable); thinking, and reasonable (e.g., scientific inquiry).