Peer Coaching Program

What is the Wheaton College Peer Coaching Program?

The Wheaton College Peer Coaching Program is a free service to current undergrad and graduate students that provides a space to seek support and guidance from those who know firsthand what it’s like to be a Wheaton College student. Through private, personalized coaching sessions, students will receive assistance in navigating their academic life. Coaches work with students to identify goals, action steps, provide accountability, connect to resources, and learn about themselves.

Who are Peer Coaches?

Peer Coaches have been nominated for their roles by faculty and staff who observed, firsthand, their academic skills and abilities, social and emotional maturity, leadership qualities, and desire to help others. In addition to their own life experience, they have been specially trained to listen and help their peers navigate challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Peer coaches are passionate about supporting others’ academic flourishing.

Nominate a Peer Coach! 

If you are a Wheaton College faculty or staff member, you may nominate a peer coach using this form.


Kati Shepardson (Graduate Student)

Kati Shepardson HeadshotHello! My name is Kati, and I'm from Bolingbrook, Illinois. I'm currently a graduate student in the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology program. Previously, I majored in psychology and sociology as an undergrad at Tulane University and did the M.A. in Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership here at Wheaton (class of 2020). I enjoy going for walks, practicing yoga, and sharing meals with my family. I also love learning about how intricately and wonderfully we were made, especially in how our brains and minds work, and so studying psychology full-time is right up my alley. That said, school can be quite a challenge in balancing the course load, meeting deadlines, retaining everything that's needed, and reading countless pages, and so I often reach out to the LAS office for support. I'm looking forward to being available for both undergraduate and graduate students who also find they are needing extra support. Whether you need help with time management, study skills, motivation, or other academic challenges, I'll be honored to walk alongside you.
Make an appointment with Kati

Katie Simpson (Graduate Student)

Katie SimpsonHi! I'm Katie Simpson, and I’m originally from Fort Collins, Colorado. In my free time, I love to be outdoors, have game nights with friends, and enjoy playing and watching sports—especially any team from Denver! I am currently in my second year of the Masters of Higher Education and Student Development program here at Wheaton. One area of academic life that I find challenging is approaching projects that lack structure, and this is something I am working on growing in. I am enthusiastic about helping others to discover new strategies that empower them to approach their work with confidence. I focus on the processes that lead to growth, knowing that encouragement along the way is key. I would enjoy the opportunity to meet with you and work collaboratively towards your goals! 
Make an appointment with Katie