Wheaton in England

Punting in Oxford

Study English Immersed in British Culture

Do you dream of roaming through the ruins of Tintagel and reflecting upon the days of King Arthur? Do you long to see the world that Austen describes so vividly in her novels? Would you like to walk the streets of Charles Dickens' London or visit C.S. Lewis' home and write about the experience? Or would you like to go punting, a favorite pastime in Oxford and Cambridge that allows you to experience the beauties of the university towns as you glide past them on the river?

Wheaton in England is designed to allow you to study English literature while being immersed in British culture. It is an eight-week summer program offering eight to ten hours of English credit, and it is led and taught by full-time professors of the Wheaton College English Department.

"Wheaton in England is a transformational experience, both personally and academically. As part of the 2019 cohort, I got the opportunity to read classic works in the physical places they were written, which made them so much more powerful and engaging to me. If you choose to do the program, get ready to hike through England's whimsical countryside, memorize beautiful works of poetry, and ignite your love for reading!" - Maddie Cash '21

Wheaton in England Schedule

Although the itinerary varies somewhat from year to year, the schedule includes four elements:

  • one to two weeks of classes on Wheaton's campus prior to embarking for England
  • several days in London with visits to museums and the theatre
  • residence in various cities and towns important to English history and literature such as Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge, or York
  • field trips to various literary and historical sites such as Tintagel, Salisbury, Stonehenge, Bath, Tintern Abbey, Stratford, Haworth, or Grasmere.

No matter what your concentration is within the English Major, Wheaton in England is a great opportunity to fulfill major requirements in a setting that not only allows for in-depth study of literary works within their cultural context but also creates a wonderful community as faculty and students explore literature and the sites together. We also welcome non-majors who desire to fulfill their General Education requirement or those who wish to minor in English. Taking eight to ten hours during the summer gives you much more flexibility during the school year, so think about adding Wheaton-in-England to your schedule. 

Non-Wheaton students who share Wheaton's Christian commitment are also welcome to participate. If you apply and are accepted to the program, the Office of Global Programs and Studies will instruct you on the summer enrollment process for non-Wheaton students.