Geology Learning Outcomes

As a result of completing the Geology program at Wheaton College, students will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. Develop a knowledge of the geologic processes that form rocks and shape landscapes and the terms and tools for the analysis and description of geological materials and the gross structure of the Earth.
  2. Apply knowledge of plate tectonics, the operational paradigm in geoscience, to the interpretation of Earth's history and the various time-frames of geological activity.
  3. Practice the various field, instrumental, and quantitative methods of geoscience investigation.
  4. Synthesize and communicate (oral and written) technical details and significance of geoscience information and research.
  5. Identify the value of belonging to the scientific community and develop an ethic for professional development and engagement.
  6. Understand the philosophical and historical development of geosciences as an academic discipline and apply sound scientific and theological thinking to enable constructive dialog on faith and science issues in church and secular communities.