Meet Admissions Counselor Hannah Hooker


  • Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Vanguard

In Her Own Words

Hannah Nokes

Welcome! As a 2019 Wheaton College graduate, I'm so excited you're looking into Wheaton! During my time here studying Christian Formation and Ministry and Spanish, I was challenged by professors and peers to think critically about my faith, grow as a Christ-follower, and serve well in all areas of my life--both in the working world and in the relationships and little everyday moments outside of it.

As a senior in high school, I decided to attend Wheaton because of its commitment to faith, the academic rigor, and the strong sense of community I saw on campus; I knew it was a place where I could be developed as a whole person. As a student, I experienced this through participating in Discipleship Small Groups. Peers from different backgrounds, denominations and majors came together to study God's Word. As we asked questions and explored the texts together, I noticed parallels with what I was learning in the classroom. Each person brings something so unique to the discussion, and through these relationships I was encouraged and challenged with what God is teaching those around me.  This incorporation of faith and learning was evident in every class, club, and event I participated in, not just my Discipleship Small Group. This extensive community of faith is something unique to the Wheaton experience.

As you continue your journey towards higher education, I would love to get to know you. Hearing what you are passionate about, what the Lord is doing in your life, and what makes you you is my favorite, so please don't hesitate to reach out for any reason! Email me or schedule time with me

Wheaton College is a life-changing place, and I look forward to welcoming you into this community!

Call: (630)752-5422
Text: (630)534-9072

Email Hannah

Make an online appointment with Hannah