Cabinet Conversations - President Philip Ryken

July 2021 Update

Watch the entire video, or hover your cursor on the orange dot bookmarks and click to view a particular topic or question. Timestamps are also indicated below. 


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 01:16 - What have we learned over the past year?
  • 3:46 - What changes were implemented as a result of COVID?
  • 5:25 - What does Fall 2021 look like on campus?
  • 6:13 - Did COVID have an effect on applications?
  • 7:08 - Can you share more about budget reductions?
  • 8:37 - What are current fundraising goals?
  • 11:03 - Is Wheaton still committed to the SOF?
  • 12:30 - How are we maintaining Christian distinctives?
  • 13:41 - Remarks on January Statement
  • 15:32 - How are we countering rejection of God in culture?
  • 16:47 - More info on status of Christ at the Core
  • 17:58 - Updates on new majors, certificates, programs
  • 19:42 - Political impact of administration on Wheaton
  • 22:34 - How is the process for hiring new faculty going?
  • 23:18 - Proportion of instructional staff that's part time
  • 23:51 - Info on Endowed Chairs
  • 24:40 - Will there be conferences this summer?
  • 25:05 - Questions about Critical Race Theory
  • 25:55 - Questions on students who experience SSA
  • 27:23 - Questions related to Engineering Program
  • 27:57 - What's your favorite Bon Appetit dessert?