Business and Economics Internship FAQs

Q: What’s the value of an internship?

Internships let students put classroom theory into practice, consider the implications of their faith for a particular vocation, align their talents and interests with the needs of the world, and explore a variety of career paths. At best, internships lead to permanent employment opportunities.

Q: Where do Wheaton Business & Economics students complete internships?

This summer Business & Economics students are earning credit at the following organizations:

Following are a few of the corporations and organizations where Wheaton’s business and economics students have interned for credit in recent years:

Q: How much credit will I earn?

Students in either the economics or the business/economics major may earn academic credit for work experience. Students may earn between 1 and 4 hours of academic credit; each hour of credit means 40 hours of work with the internship organization.

Q: When am I eligible?

Students must have completed at least 60 hours and at least 16 hours in the major, including BEC 211 and 212.

Q: What are the requirements?

The internship must be supervised and be a new work experience. The work should involve challenging tasks with educational value. The internship may be paid or unpaid, depending on the organization. The internship may not be done in a business owned by family members or where the supervisor is a relative.

Q: Where do I begin?

Contact the office coordinator for more information and an application form. The internship coordinator must approve every internship in advance. Students are responsible for obtaining their own internship in either the private or public sector of the economy.