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Faculty Resource Page

As a Wheaton College faculty member, you play a central role in the academic development of students at HoneyRock and through HoneyRock programs. Opportunities await you in Wheaton's Northwoods Campus.

 Faculty Opportunities at HoneyRock

  • Wheaton Passage: Teach a 2-credit course (CE 131: Introduction to Spiritual Formation) to first-year students as part of a 30-year, nationally recognized first-year transition program. Learn more about Wheaton Passage. 
  • Wheaton in the Northwoods (WIN): WIN provides students with the chance to take their gen-eds at HoneyRock in a modular, intensive format and professors to get a change of scenery. Taught in the summer, this is a perfect opportunity to enjoy the Northwoods with your family. Learn more about teaching WIN courses.

Contact Us

HoneyRock Center for Leadership Development

8660 Honey Rock Rd.
Three Lakes, WI 54562
