The Application

The process of applying to law school is electronic and web-based.

You can obtain and complete law school applications in several ways. First, CAS registrants with LSAC  will have access to LSAC’s electronic law school applications which will prefill general information from your LSAC account. Second, you can complete online applications located on the websites of law schools. Some law schools waive the application fee if you use this method.

Completing the application form is a straightforward process. Law schools will be seeking basic information about you, including your academic background, extracurricular activities, employment history, and any criminal record. Be truthful in completing the applications and when in doubt, err on the side of disclosure. You may be asked about your intention to apply for financial aid or list other law schools to which you are applying, and when in doubt, err on the side of disclosure. Responding to these requests should not affect your chances for admission.

Submit a resume with each application. However, don’t use the resume as a substitute for responding to the questions on the application. Submit your resume on Handshake through the Center for Vocation and Career to receive feedback.

Most law school applications request a written personal statement in lieu of an interview. A personal statement is a concise, detailed, well-written statement that reveals your unique character, history, and motivations. The personal statement is the third most important component of your law school application after your LSAT score and GPA. For additional information on writing an effective personal statement, go to the Personal Statements section.

If the questions on the application or your transcripts raise issues or if you are dissatisfied with your LSAT score, you can offer an explanation through an addendum to your application. The addendum should be straightforward and concise.