iPhone, therefore iAm

iPhone"iPhone, therefore iAm."

"You are not your iPhone."
featuring Dr. Read Schuchardt and Bryan Campen
Debate moderator, Dr. Ken Chase

Free mp3 download of the Debate
Wheaton Record Article on the iPhone, therefore iAm Debate. (pdf)

Bryan CampenTuesday, March 17th, 2009
7:00 pm Armerding Lecture Hall

Bryan Campen campen is the founder of blueair.tv, a consultancy that works with artists, nonprofits and companies in four areas of new media: social networks, online video, blogs and mobile communication, with an emphasis on social networks. Campen directed and produced the online installation of 77 Million Paintings by U2 producer Brian Eno. Bryan's Blog: machinestops.wordpress.com

Read SchuchardtDr. Read Schuchardt read is Assistant Professor of Communication at Wheaton College. He is the founder and publisher of Metaphilm, a film interpretation website at www.metaphilm.com. He earned his Ph.D. at New York University's Media Ecology program under the advisement of the late Neil Postman with a dissertation on the Medieval Catholic Symbol System and Contemporary Corporate Iconography.Visit Read Schuchardt's webpage at the Communications Department
at Wheaton College.

Resources for the Debate:

How the Cell Phone Changed the World and Made 24 by Read Mercer Schuchardt

Virtual affair leads to real life divorce

"World Builder", a fictional video on future illness and the uses of virtual worlds as part of therapy.

Islamic clerics using Second Life

Pope's position on Facebook