Christianity, Pragmatism and Democracy"

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


"On being a Chekovian Christian and a Blues Man: Christianity, Pragmatism, and Democracy" 
Please join us in welcoming to the Wheaton College campus Dr. Cornel West; prominent philosopher, theologian, public intellectual, and Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at New York's Union Theological Seminary. West has authored 20 books spanning a number of topics from race and culture to politics, ethics, and philosophy. In addition, his work cuts across various mediums and genres, having made his film debut in  The Matrix series and releasing three hip hop and spoken word albums. Dr. West speaks with passion and conviction, calling himself a "blues man in the life of the mind" and a "jazz man in the world of ideas." Through his work Dr. West explores what it means to be a Christian engaged in the controversial issues of our time.
Dr. West's seminal works include his books  Race Matters and  Democracy Matters, as well as an influential memoir entitled  Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud.  It is through his work that West tries to keep alive Dr. King's legacy of "telling the truth and bearing witness to love and justice."
You will not want to miss this exciting lecture which will take place Tuesday, February 25th at 7:00pm in the Coray Auditorium on the campus of Wheaton College.