Charles Mathewes

Monday, November 11th, 2013


Interested in Christian moral formation? Want to learn about the role Christians play - or should be playing - as citizens of the societies they live in? Then check out Dr. Mathewes's recent lecture on "Freedom and Responsibility for Christian Citizens" or his interview "The Republic of Grace."

Dr. Mathewes is he University of Virginia's Carolyn M. Babour Professor of Religious Studies and the the author of several books, among which are Understanding Religious Ethics, A Theology of Public Life, and Evil and the Augustinian Tradition. He is a co-director of the Virginia Center for the Study of Religion and former editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion. His research interests often involve Christian ethics and the intersection of religion with culture and political life, making him the ideal person to be talking about the role Christians play as citizens. 

To learn more about Dr. Mathewes, visit his faculty webpage at the University of Virginia here. Or check out the links below to see or read some of the previous talks and interviews Dr. Mathewes has given:

Dr. Mathewes at an Ethics Workshop at Villanova University.

Dr. Mathewes' "Romney and the Eisenhower Approach" in the Religion and Ethics Newsweekly.

Interviewing Dr. Mathewes about his book Prophesies of Godlessness: Predictions of America’s Imminent Secularizations from the Puritans to Postmodernity