The Refugee Crisis: A Church Historian's Response

Dr. Jennifer McNutt's TowerTalk encourages us to reflect upon how the church has dealt with similar refugee challenges in the past in order to gain insight for Christian responses today.

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Discussion Questions

  1. What scriptural passages could guide Christian responses to the current refugee influx facing contexts like Europe?
  2. How should Christians appropriately grapple with feelings of reticence, fear, and anxiety toward welcoming refugees, particularly in light of widespread concerns over terrorism and crime?
  3. How can Christ's parable of the Good Samaritan convict and guide Christian responses to the global crisis today?
  4. How can you and your church be more involved in caring for or welcoming refugees into your local community? Explore available options through World Reliefs refugee programs, for example, or by encouraging your church to get involved in "National Refugee Sunday.” 


Daniel L. Byman, "Do Syrian refugees pose a terrorism threat?” (The Brookings Institution: Oct. 27, 2015)

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, and Nando Sigona, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, (Oxford University Press: 2016).

Peter Gatrell, The Making of the Modern Refugee (Oxford University Press: 2015).

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